2bwell is about a new approach to health and well being. We believe that wellness is a dynamic state of consciousness within the limits of our physical existence. Our vision is to create and maintain a healthy experience of everyday living by promoting the synergistic effects of wellness.
Being alive is a complex physiological state which requires a heightened awareness of the physical body in the time space continuum. At any given moment, there are millions of reactions and transformations which take place within our cellular universe. Our physical body is constantly repairing and re-building itself on regular bases. Every living cell, from our toes' skin cells to the ones in the most sensitive parts of the brain, contain the same level and quality of consciousness. At 2bwell, we are committed to help you connect with and utilize your own inner healing power. We work cooperatively with you to design an individual treatment plan for your specific needs. We encourage your involvement and value your trust during this process. We are ready to help and guide you in this journey to optimum health with all the tools which you have access to by being a part of 2bwell.
Please look through our website to get more information about us or feel free to contact me personally, if you have more questions about 2bwell.
And remember: "Best Medicine is Preventative Medicine".
Siamak F. Shirazi, LAc, DOM
Founder, Director